So many of us are in pursuit of eternal youth. We all want to know how to look and feel young for as long as we possibly can. So what is the secret? Whether we desire flawless, supple skin or pain-free movement, we must take a holistic, or WHOLE-istic approach as I like to call it, to our health. When we do this we will not just feel “young” forever but for a majority of us, we will actually feel even BETTER!
What does the WHOLE-istic approach look like, you say?! Well, I’m glad you asked!
The secrets to staying young forever
Gut Health is Key

Gut health is such an important component of our overall well being. Our gut health affects so many things including our skin complexion and energy levels. Effective ways to improve your gut health include:
- Removing processed and artificial sugars from your diet.
- Reducing stress levels.
- Adding fiber-rich foods to your diet.
- Taking a probiotic.
- Eating fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut.
Inflammation is not our Friend
There has literally been a term coined for the damage inflammation causes. “Inflammaging,” is the new way that the scientific community refers to the metabolic response and age-related diseases that are brought on as a result of high levels of systemic inflammation. You can help combat high levels of inflammation by:
- Eating plenty of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon.
- Remove processed sugars from your diet.
- Identify any food sensitivities you might have, such as dairy or gluten, and cut them out of your diet.
- Eat plenty of foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, to help fight free radicals.
Detox, Detox, Detox
Everyday, just by existing, we are exposed to so many toxins. Giving our body plenty of opportunity to rid itself of them without putting added stress on the body is very important. Effective ways to assist the body in detoxification include:

- Saunas.
- Eating cruciferous vegetables.
- Drinking plenty of water.
- Vigorous exercise.
We can also remove toxins from our life wherever possible. Choosing the correct, and healthiest skincare or house cleaning products can truly make all the difference.
Take Care of your Hormones
Would you believe how much our hormones dictate our health?! They affect how much energy we have, how and where we hold our weight, they even affect the appearance of our skin and hair. That is why keeping your hormones balanced is so important. Little things you can do to keep your hormones healthy include:
- Getting enough sleep.
- Managing cortisol levels by eating after intense exercise and reducing our stress levels.
- Make sure you’re getting the right nutrients, such as vitamin D and magnesium.
Limit Your Stress

Just by minimizing your stress levels you would help improve everything we have covered on this list so far. We underestimate how much stress actually ages us. Easy ways to limit your stress include:
- Get a facial!!!
- Taking up a yoga or meditation practice.
- Journaling.
- Spend time doing some self-care.
Stay Active

Whether our priority is how we look or how we feel, staying active is a huge part of aging gracefully. Getting regular doses of moderate exercise is key to:
- Slowing cell aging by increasing the length of telomeres (which can also be done with Sleekskin® Telomere Intensive Moisturizer).
- Helping you strengthen and create more energy producing mitochondria.
- Making your heart more efficient.
- Keeping your metabolism and hormones properly regulated.
Get a Sleekskin® facial

Rather than being reactive with your skincare routine, consider being proactive. Regular facials can help keep your complexion clear and the muscles in your face firmed to reduce wrinkles.
We may not be able to stop the clock, but there is a whole lot that we can do to preserve our youth and our health! Or as Mary Kay would say, “If a woman doesn’t take the time, time will take the women!”